Tuesday 4 July 2017

Rotary Young Writer Competition - 1st Place (School, Local & District) - Kitty

I am a camera. A digital camera. With my one eye, I can capture some amazing images. I am a pet to the photographer; I go everywhere with him. I do as he demands, because a camera never lies. I always obey his commands. When the Christmas magic arrived t his year, the BFP (Big Friendly Photographer) took me on a wonderful journey to a beautifully - lit forest to capture some spectacular shots. The flora and fauna were highlighted with rich, jewel - like colours of light: green as emerald, gold as an Olympic medal, pink as a star ruby and blue as sapphire. As we crunched our way along the gravel pathway, we were confronted with trees that had mingled together. The effect of the leafless, skeletal - looking branches entwining made an archway over the still, reflective lake. The BFP took me out of my safe, warm camera case and set me up on top of the cold tripod. He gently removed the lid of my eye and tucked it safely and carefully into his pocket. My owner wiped my eye with a soft, silky cleaning cloth to keep it crisp and sharp, ready to take the perfect shot. He could see the dark beauty in the scene and smiled at the sight of it, knowing that it would make an excellent framed photo. He closed his hazel eyes and pictured fairies dancing and laughing in the trees as they gathered around the arched plant to take part in a surprise birthday party. They were all carrying presents such as fairy dust, new wands and tiaras. The fairy that was the prettiest though was the fairy in a green and gold dress with green heel s on. She had purple wings that fluttered in the wind as she flew towards the tree. Suddenly the BFP opened his eyes as a bucket load of rain fell down onto the pretty sight. He heard small, high - pitched screams and could see small figures moving quickly into the shelter of the trees. The only shelter he had was his small umbrella that had more holes in it than a block of Swiss cheese, so he pushed the stiff pole up. Now, with the weather miserable and afternoon turned to evening, it had turned dark and be come a spooky sight. The warm rain stopped as soon as it had started, leaving small puddles but creating more countless reflections. The still lake was now more visible as the light shone brightly on the tree that reflected onto it. No ripples could be see n, nor could any fish, so the lifeless image was unblemished. The BFP decided that he would finally take the most fantastic photo with me, so he lined me up, adjusted the settings and wiped my eye for the last time that day. The greens and golds would be brilliant in the frame the BFP thought dreamily. He softly pressed my button with trembling fingers as the image was taken with one blink of my eye as it was saved into my memory forever.

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